Thursday, August 26, 2004

Fantasy land II-George Bush gives me the call

In Alternate Fantasy Land ( fantasy Land heights) I get to go down to crawford for a meeting of the evil conservative conspiracy. the grand heirophant of Skull and Bones just appointed me the Special campaign chairman... how would i help george bush you ask?

"Dick I am sorry to hear your having heart trouble." i'd tell the vice president. I am sure he'd protest but i would repeat, and have my flunkies repeat: "Dick, its a shame with that heart thing, but we can't have you announce till the convention."

Everyone and their brother would think it'd be Bush/Cheney 04... the surprise factor alone would fill up quite alot of news shows.

as Dick prepares to fall on his sword i would hand George a list of new appointees
"sure is a shame about Dick George."

the Short List
Powell: Black, foriegners dig him, moderate, and a good card for 08
Rice: a more conservative Powell
I'd let Karl Rove throw in a few names
Dick Lugar: Lugar is a manly name, tons of foriegn policy experience
Zell Miller: It would be good for a few laughs
Kasich: first guy to toss the nod to bush in 2000, strong economic conservative credentials.

Next the republican convention would be about how diverse the ideas and thoughts are in the republican party.

Bush would steal from Clinton/Morris the technique of rolling out alot of small issues and plans to fix them.

cut kerry to ribbons by taking the game away from meta-issues and take them to micro issues

and if Kerry in fantasy land II f***s up like real world Kerry he's done

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