Wednesday, August 25, 2004

People running political campaigns are stupid-Editorial

George Bush has a lawyer who worked for Swift boat veterans for truth.

This is an act of prime idiocy that either the campaign or Lawyer dropped the ball on. but i want to move on to the subject right now of why people running political campaigns are morons who should be lined up in a ditch and given a Stalinesqe treatment

for the genepool people.

Dick Morris has commented that both these campaigns are running badly, and it may come down to who does the least bad job, and on a day like today i am more and more realizing his sage wisdom

John Kerry is demanding Bush specifically condem the attacks against him, thats fine John but how about the Attacks you made against Bush's guard service first ( and while most of the heavy lifting was done by other groups you yourself said their were "serious questions")

You also compaired folks in the National Guard to people who ran to Canada. you *DO* realize folks in the guard fought in nam right John? folks in the guard even got C.M.H while fighting in Vietnam.

So John, do you think people will forget this? do you think the pro-bush 527s will let them?

this is why the strategy your undertaking makes you look like a whiner, a whiner whose ideas are "foriegn leaders like me better then bush, so thats why my ideas will work."

ummmmmmm Yeah John, saying people like me better is a good way to win an election. It is also a good way to pick up women in a bar.

Now, the bush campaign has responded to this idiocy correctly but let me go over a laundry list of astondingly stupid things Bush has done.

#1) "Mission accomplished" this is number one for the simple reason that it was, without a doubt, the single worst idea i have seen in my life time. If a bullet was in the back of the last guy who was a serious resister in iraq, then sure roll that out. But putting that banner out confused people to the message "End of major combat operations" oh the war is over.... Nope thats not what he said but thats why we have seen the sledge hammer of the news against him.
#2) "Its secrecy stupid." hey george, remember restoring "Honor and integrity to the white house?". Secret Commissions ( Hillary Care/Cheney Energy) sure go a long way to making you look like an above board leader. Ask Bill how well refusing to disclose documents of the health care task force worked for him.
#3) Its about Ideas; Where are they? Kerry doesn't really have any and neither do you. All your arguing is "don't change dresses in the middle of a stream" thats good to keep the faithful, but people don't win elections by keeping the faithful.. they win by conversion.
#4) Fiscal COnservatism: Dude you've raised more across the board then clinton. You may have been playing some reopolitik to get your agenda passed. but you have been a big government man yourself. You can't play the tax and spend card on Kerry because your a Spend and Spend More republican.
#5)North Korea: They have Nukes George, lets open with that. Your trying to buy them off. How well did that work for Clinton, thats right it didn't. But CLinton at least made it look pretty the shake down, you've made it look very unweildy. it plays into the bush=moron argument.
#6)Incest isn't best: Ya know and i know all the top dogs in republican circles have been around since Tricky Dick. thats why Swift Boat has been a double edged sword for you. You need to promote some new blood into republican party elite. that was part of your big "compassionate conservatism" spiel.
#7)Not reaching out. You and Kerry are both under the delusion of polarization. in 2002 the republicans won because they were clearly for something, and they went to sell it to everyone. in 2004 it is a heck of alot more murkey.
#8)Minority reach out: your for it thats good, your making an effort thats better. What your doing is sucking. You can talk about how more black households had two parents before the "great society" how more went to church. you can ask as FDR did "What has the democratic party done for you, and what have they done to you." you seem afraid of your shadow and sadly politically correct.
#9) you tried to suck up to the NYT .... WHy?
and the last item on my list

#10) President Vacation: Ya know another president who took alot of vacations, Jimmy Carter. that did him a real good job now didn't it.

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