Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Kerry: Rewriting history

Its not Just enough for Kerry's offical campaign historian to make up his bio,
It isn't just enough for him to "find" in the Kerry archives excuses to cover for lapses in the story,
It isn't enough for John Kerry to use him as a scape goat as to why he won't turn over records ( a charge Brinkley says is false),

He now seems to have used evidence in hand of Kerry conflicting with the "offical" record of events from one of his medal controversys.... and used parts of it for other aspects of the book.

the story Kerry tells now is different then the eulogy, and slightly different then the offical history

yet anyone who disagrees with his view of history ( right now) is a Liar; part of the fear and smear campaign

this again points out a pattern of behavior in John Kerry, something you can see back 30+ years ago but continuing today.

He discredits and demonizes those who oppose him

he bullies and threatens people who could make him look bad.

Is this what we want as our president?

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