Thursday, November 04, 2004

Open Letter to The GOP

The events of 2001, along with my disdane for Katherine "autoelected" Harris have made me a republican. But, let me say a few things now about this election.

You lucked out. John Kerry was perhaps the worst recrent presidential canidate (Since his former Governor ran). He ran perhaps the most addled and confused campaign ever.

The nation was ripe to oust George W. Bush, but not for John Kerry.

The nation however was ripe for the GOP message: even with the bush handicaps votes were increased in alot of states. The Congress and (especially) the people looking out for 08 need to take an ownership of the GOP vision for America for the sale to be made.

Bush needs to make a clear "Heir" and i expect him to do it in 06 sometime after the election

so the race for the veepstakes and the whole enchelada is on.

Freedom, Liberty, Smaller government, Individual empowerment.... these things are the values that are going to win.

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