Friday, February 18, 2005

Criticism of movies i haven't seen

In the comment section Yer Humble correspondent has been attacked for Bashing something that was bad without seeing it

Sometimes things are so bad that you don't need to see them to say it sucks

Alexander: Ignored any of the important aspects of Alexander the political leader, the military genius, the genocida mainic.. and focused on his love that dare not speak its name. That makes the movie horrid ( not to mention the role of Angilina Jolie) I didn't need to see it to know it was a train wreck

Kinsey: Utter lack of any historical facts on the man. a whitewash to make Kinsey seem like a crusader for truth... he was a sick freak, and his being a total sicko would have made an awesome movie

these flaws in these two movies were reason enough not to pay any hard earned money for them

and reason enough to share it with others

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