Wednesday, February 02, 2005


It is a strange world

on the way to school i was listening to a guy on the Michael Medved show talking about his book to explain pot to kids ( yes parents having to explain their illegal activity to their child)

That was almost as amusing as the whole saga of Brave soldier John "Cody" Adams and watching on CNN with my work breakfast that it "appears" to be a toy and not a real hostage

yes because clearly

  1. Having the same Gear as Cody, Gear that is not US Military issue
  2. Having the same head shape, facial features and head proportions
  3. and the general action figury apperance wasn't enough

It is moments like this that remind me there is a god, and he has a really twisted sense of humor.

I am due to my math class going to miss out on the president's state of the union speech ( i'll actually do better decoding the transcript myself afterwards anyway) and the ludicrous democratic rebutal

as it says on my G-mail signature "Truth is stranger then fiction, because fiction has to make sense"

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