Monday, May 23, 2005

It came from the email box

Once again John McCain shows how he will say and do anything to get ahead

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May 23, 2005 -- A right-to-life leader claims Republican Sen. John McCain pledged to nominate only anti-abortion judges if elected president in 2000 — while George W. Bush had no abortion litmus test, The New Yorker reports.

The claim surfaces as McCain tries to broker a deal with Democrats over Bush's judicial nominees.

Right-to-life leader Gary Bauer, who ran for president in 2000 and backed McCain after dropping out, told the magazine that McCain pledged an anti-abortion litmus test for judges.

"I wanted a commitment from either George Bush or John McCain that, if elected, he would appoint pro-life judges to the Supreme Court. Bush said he had no litmus test . . . But McCain . . . assured me he would appoint pro-life judges," Bauer said. Deborah Orin

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