Thursday, June 16, 2005

Daughter of Schiavomania

Well now we are in another war of values folks, but the values folks are no where to be found. I took a glove and went to challenge the folks on “Ankle Biting Pundits” over why this issue had not saw a rise in their passions. I hate to sound like a Tin-Hatter of a Moonbat but I am wondering if Sean Hannity was drumming on this case or Rush Limbaugh if we might see some conservative ire. I haven’t listened to Boortz because of my work schedule but I am certain Neil if he hasn’t covered it, will cover it now.

The little girl, Katie Wernecke, is still separated from her parents. Her Parents have acceded to the treatments they felt were superfluous but are now vital for her health. The doctors are out there sliming the parents, and the news is already starting to distort the facts in the case. So once again I ask you folks, where are you?

This is the product of the “law erring on the side of life” mentality of the Schiavo case. Only this time we have had a family broken up, now for no reason. So where have you guys been? I am going to dig through my reading list of major right wing bloggers who were all over the Schiavo debacle and see if any of them are coming out to defend this girl. If they are then they need to answer how they can justify their new position. I am going to see if the right wing bloggers who called for Michael Schiavo’s blood are ignoring this poor child’s suffering and they need to answer where they are on this important issue.

It’s about values. I know some of you guys like to thump your chest about values but this right here shows me the honor and integrity of those people who had the state and called for the state to meddle in the life of Terri Schiavo, who aren’t speaking up for this child/

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