Thursday, June 16, 2005

Dick Durbin: Citizen of Mars

When I came up with my citizen of mars award, I did not think that I would have found some one so quickly to fill the bill. But thank god for my former home state of Illinois giving me a native son to show what a utter idiot he is

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said.

was that before or after the beatings dick?

was that before or torture with things like car batteries or exposures to harsh chemicals

Dick... nothing so far has remotely approached the work of the Nazi's and their ilk. To say that is offensive to the people who survived the Death Camps and Gulags, but Dickie just didn't say this out of the blue. He said this after making comparisons of US soldiers to the KGB and the SS. Now while Dickie's first statement could have been read the way his nuanced correction came out. the problem is neither is accurate, neither is intelligent.

Trent Lott said America would have been better off if a man who was a rascist, back when everyone was to some degree or another a bigot, had been elected president we'd have been better off. Trent was asked by allot of folks in the grass roots to resign from his own party in the very begining. You head over to Kosland or DUh'sville you see them saying pretty much what Dick Durbin said with an equal degree of chromosonal defect.

while Dick was mearly insinuating about how harsh the torture techniques were, Trent was just being nice to a senile olde man who went on to be a prolific senator for two political parties -and went on later to say he was wrong-

The media is going to let Dick Durbin get away with this, but i award him my first citizen of mars award

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