Friday, June 10, 2005

Schiavomania: Government knows best

Dear folks who were there for Terri Schiavo;

You people need to sit back and pat yourselves on the back. While I didn’t do my final schiavomania post I feel that this post script is very telling. In Texas some parents who did not agree with their doctors’ medical advice, had their child taken away from them. SO how should we handle this one? Should we go with the religious people –who don’t want their child to get radiation- or should we “err on the side of life.”

As some one who works in the Field of Health Care (which is neither healthy, not does it care) I have learned despite what Doctor’s think they are not god. Bureaucrats, since my hospital is publicly ran, also despite their own thoughts are not god. Yes folks the ideological cousins of the CFS Nazi’s that ordered two people not to raise their child in their faith, and the faith the child has had his whole life have now with egotistical doctors gone and ruined the lives of an entire family deep in the heart of Texas.

They called out an amber alert on the family, and charged the parents with child neglect. Ripped the little girl’s siblings from the breast of their parents and into foster care system which we all know how loving and child nurturing that is.

Off of the Communist News Network

Rather, they believe doctors haven't been upfront about Katie's care and have not answered all their questions about the side effects of the radiation.

"This issue is about parental rights, not about religious rights," Horne said. "They just want to be informed of her treatment. They want to be involved in this."

Katie was diagnosed with cancer in January. In a videotaped statement recorded by her parents, Katie said she's feeling better.

"I don't need radiation treatment. And nobody asked me what I wanted. It's my body," she said.

this is the most frightening part

Last week, authorities issued an Amber Alert to gain temporary custody of Katie after receiving an anonymous tip about possible neglect. She was found with her mother at a family ranch, about 80 miles west of Corpus Christi near Freer, on Saturday.

"we're the government.. and we know whats best for you."

We have laws about medical care which gives power to the individual patient, or their designated surrogates because their are plenty of complex issues.

Radiation may be absolutely wrong for the little girl, or the doctors may be right.

but instead of trusting the people who are actually part of the process "erring on the side of life" has lead to this attrocity

two kids in foster care

one under watch at a university medical center

and peoples lives ruined

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