Saturday, June 11, 2005

Where were you? (to pro schindler bloggers)

Pro-Schindler Bloggers

Dear Fellow Center-Right Bloggers;

Not all of you qualify for this rant, and this rant will make it clear who it is spewing venom at.

You are all hypocrites.

A defenseless child was seized by the rapacious state, her brothers were forced off into foster homes, and her parents were charged with a bogus crime, that the state has now withdrawn. So where were you “pro-family values” Bloggers?

You were MIA. The big people who milked Schiavomania for post after post and bandwidth draining activity have been silent. I know we don’t have a sexy story of a man living with another woman while his wife is in a coma, we don’t have a woman who is active. I know this story isn’t as sexy as the Terri Schiavo affair, but this story shows why you guys were on the wrong side of history. And why I am glad god answered my prayers and you guys lost.

The family didn’t agree with the medical professionals, but unlike the case of the schindler’s they claim they simply wanted adequate information to make an informed choice. And working in a hospital and knowing the attitude of many of these “Healers” I have absolutely no problem believing their story.

While we now have a safe end to this story, when the family actually got the tests they demanded from the doctors and the information they required, at a huge cost to taxpayers from the amber alert, to the foster care, to the time wasted in family court. But where were you? Where were people like Randall Terry standing up for these godly people and their rights with their child?

They didn’t care. No one cared that this family had the right to make medical choices, and get a second or 400th opinion from medical professionals in the life of their daughter. A daughter who was aware, and who knows the horror of being ripped from her parents by a state that doesn’t care about the rights of the individual but only its own inflated sense of infallibility in her medical affairs.

It seems the religious right isn’t that religious after all. It seems what matters more to folks like Randal Terry and their ilk is gaining power over others, and giving it to their ideological cohorts in state government because they know best. My best friend mark, when hearing this story said something to the effect of “You can trust the government; just ask an Indian” and that is what this case sums up. In an age where the church once formed the backbone of our social community, to have its rightful role replaced by government instead of taking back their turf they seek to subvert the government which stole their social influence from them.

We’ve forced our doctors in a system of “compassionate” state health care to treat their patients like numbers in a rapidly decreasing game of making a profit. These doctors have little time to deal with their patients as human beings; they have little time to view them as anything but profit. They don’t have the time to read up on the latest medical literature they seem only to have the time to slap on poor solutions to real problems. They view themselves as superior to other people because they make tons of money, and they have more education.

When America was a nation of communities you knew your doctor, he came to your home, and you would put him on your Christmas cards. But instead of that vital human role we have doctors asking the state to further dehumanize their relationship with their patients.

There was a time when kids could trust the government, but then the government began to seize more and more power. Just like the doctors their power and superior knowledge made them feel they had the right to play god over the lives of others and not serve others, something which is fundamental to the theology and teachings of Jesus.

In this perfect storm where doctors are dehumanized and disconnected, where churches abandoned their role as the sole of a community and grub for power, and when a poorly paid child and family services agent feels she is the Vicar of Christ we have a family abused, twisted, and broken.

This is why you were wrong about Terry Schiavo. To trust the state with such carte blank authority leaves the state becoming the little g which gives you nothing, and takes 3 times what god asks you for.

When the churches are more concerned about political solutions, then tending to their flock and seeing such solutions never happen again we see real people in need of a strong spiritual and moral soldier to fight for them alone in the dark.

When big statism of any stripe, be it liberal or conservative, happens we find ourselves at this point in the road. The individual is less free, he is up to his eyeballs in taxes and debt, and we see the very life that a religious person just 30 years ago would have called religious impossible to live because of busybodies and know-it-alls invading the role that was given to them by god, and just as our rights are given to us by god the role of fairly governing our own lives and those of our family are given to us by our creator and are within the power of no man to tear asunder.

So right wing blogs, when the state had broken up a family because some doctors refused to care for their patient –where were you?-

I stand where I stood. I stood for a family’s right to tend for itself

I stand for the right of people to have a government treat them fairly and consistently, even if the outcome is bad.

You look to the major right wing blogs and you saw nothing on this. I posted in one of the other online communities I am active on and this topic is being ignored

So where were you?

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