Saturday, July 02, 2005

Official declaration

To: All the people’s of the Blogosphere
From: The Desk of Larry A. Bernard

Whereas; The F.E.C has been discussing regulating the activities of online political blogging speech
Whereas; They have chosen not to make such regulations fall upon online "News magazines"
Whereas; Many many...MANY bloggers are now declaring themselves news Magazines
Whereas; This is highly lame and pretensious response to a highly illegitimate action by our government and an unaccountable agency
Whereas; This violates the letter an spirit of the US Constitution

Therefore be It resolved.

I Larry Austin Bernard sitting in my See of Sarasota, Florida hereby claim the title of His Imperial Highness Emperor of the United States of America and lord protector of Mexico andsovereignn trustee of all the territories of the American people. I lay claim to the vacated thrown of H:.I:.H:. Joshua Norton formerly known as Emperor Norton I by the same kind of logic many bloggers have used to declare themselves "news magazines".

And as my First offical act as Emperor of the United States I declare the F.E.C to be a clandestine body and declare any of its actions regarding "blogging" to be illegal.

Hope that clears this problem up for the rest of you

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