Thursday, July 07, 2005

When Communist Propeganda goes wrong

World Tribune

Lee received a hero's welcome and, sure enough, Pyongyang made a film on Lee's "heroic struggle for the motherland" in South Korean prisons and made sure all North Koreans saw it.

However, the movie caused many North Koreans to become curious about South Korean society.

Many North Korean defectors said their first reaction upon seeing the film was to ask how people could stay in prison for more than 10 years and remain alive? They say few people survive even three years in North Korean political prisons. Being fed three regular meals a day is utterly unimaginable.

Yeah in a country where most of the population can't get three meals a day... it is very good to show them all a film about how criminals in another country are given 3 meals a day

yeah and that they held hunger strikes to protest.

What a great message.

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