Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Every so often an Important book will come out

and This is one of those times.

Peter Singer who once advocating killing infants ( not aborting them) and rating the suffering of animals as equal and in some cases superior to humans gave his mother the very medical care he wanted to deny to the masses.

Michael Moore owns stock in Haliburton, Boeing, and HMOs. I wonder if anyone will ask Michael if he used his film camera's on HMOs he owned stock in. Haliburton profited off the Hussein Regime so was Michael Moore just like the french in protecting his bottom line? he outsources his production work and he Union busts ..... when it is -his- money.

Nancy Pelosi accepted an award from the UFW Union when she denies them the right to work for her vineyard. She raises money from a Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union when she shuts Unions out of her Restaurants.

Bab Streisand pays 22K to keep her lawn Green but attacks consumerism of Americans

The Clintons attack tax cuts for the rich, yet take every shelter and deduction they can.

Noam Chomsky has made money off of pentagon contracts.

Al Franken hire's a smaller percentage people of color then Bob Jones University.

Ralph Nader is also a Union buster.

Bobby Kennedy's kid fought a Wind farm and buys SUVs

and I am sure with research and time I could go on and on.

The truth is these people again and again believe this is a world of two rules. A rule for them and a rule for the rest of us. Is it any wonder that the socialism they advocate, and the rigid enviromentalism in europe has lead to a place where class is something you are born in and will likely die in. This is a form of feudalism pure and simple. the "liberalism" of old came from the class of people who worked to earn wealth. Its ideological heir in America "conservatism" is the party of the newly rich and those who seek out wealth. and the heir to the prince of old American "liberalism" is about disempowering the masses and giving power to the state.

Look at Mother Sheehan making a fortune off the death of her son and hating the current government.

These people don't care. These people are avericous and greedy. They know they can use the empathy and kindness in the hearts of most people to enrich themselves. That is why these people show the worst of humanity... the sociopathic tendancy to use others to enrich yourself.

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