Thursday, October 13, 2005

You're Gay mommy

First we see sterling lesbian Rosie ODonnell telling her partner she can't breast feed and have a unique bond with her child (I know the site is a christian lifestyle one, but they aren't throwing the quote out of context) We now have this from the wonderfully progressive folks in sweden.

Yes the sperm bank industry ( which the folks in Indiana recently tried to cut off to Lesbians) in sweden is now a roll of the dice. If your sperm is used you can be sued.

Just like with Rosie this is an act of selfishness on behalf of the suing person forcing a man who probably had no means at the time -or worse was doing them a favor- now owes them money.

I am sure just like in Florida he probably has no rights to the child either but still has to pay.

It is stuff like this which makes me distrustful of the gay rights movement. I want to be all hippie and full of tolerance, but then I see garbage like this. I want to support it then a judge who has worked on gqay rights cases for years and who argued how to make gay marriage legal through the courts casts the deciding vote and pushes gay marriage on us all.

Stuff like this makes me look closer at the christian right in this country and wonder about their positioning.

It also makes me wonder about the political left in this country who look at sweden as a way to go... makes me wonder just what they have in mind for us.

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