Tuesday, December 27, 2005

R.A.H on the War on Terror

The Fake MAO story got some cover elsewhere in the sphere of Blog but I found something cooler that I think should be shared. This came from the WSJ online best of the Web story on Ted Kennedy denying that it was relevant this story he quoted was fake. It puts some of the most ludicrous of the leftist rhetoric in proper perspective .

R.A.H circa 1953

I found in traveling around the world that a great many people . . ., apparently well educated and sophisticated, were convinced that the people of the United States were in the grip of terror and that free speech and free press no longer existed here. They believed that the United States was fomenting a third world war and would presently start it, with Armageddon consequences for everyone else, and that the government of the United States smashed without mercy anyone who dared to oppose even by oral protests this headlong rush toward disaster.
These people could "prove" their opinions by quoting any number of Americans and American newspapers and magazines. That they were able to quote such American sources proved just the opposite, namely that we do continue to enjoy free speech even to express arrant nonsense and unpopular opinion, escaped them completely.

Quotes like this make me feel better, and remember that the amount of stupidity hasn’t changed merely our recollection of it.

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