Thursday, December 08, 2005

A wee bit of Masonic Blogging

Over on Masonic Traveler Greg Stewart covers a controversy going on in the Grand Lodge of Florida.

W:. Brother Tim Bryce had the best reaction to the situation, and while I certainly agree with Brother Stewart in some of his emotion on the substance I do not.

Grand Masters are invested with a great deal of power for a very good reason, however a down side to this is some times the grand master makes choices that you may not feel are the wisest in the world.

The shutting down of all of Brother Bryce's internet sites not just Freemasonry the Next generation is a bit bigger matter I am sure from my experiences with all things Grand Lodge.... Other shoes will need to hit the carpet. Brother Bryce did the right thing... and as a Florida Mason I may not have to like what the boss has done... but he is still the boss.

I would make further ( I have tons more to say) comment but I think it would be best to let this develop naturally.

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